Thursday, September 20, 2012

                In an article published on CNN’s website, Tom Cohen summarizes Mitt Romeny’s appearances on televised forums appealing to the Latino community.  Both candidates know that the Latino community is the fastest growing ethnic group in America and I believe that if not in this election, then in future ones, they will be a big voter bloc both parties will have to try and win over.  Obama has already given the Latino community reason to back him.  This summer he implemented deferred action for young illegal immigrants which allow them to apply for a valid work permit for up to two years.  This I believe gave him a great standing with Hispanic voters and put Romney in a bit of a tricky situation.  When asked if he would deport those young immigrants that would benefit from Obama’s plan he just said that he would implement a “permanent solution to the problem”.  That does not answer the question! Romney needs to stop tip-toeing around the issue.  He needs to let the public know what his “permanent” solution would be.   He needs to let the public know what he would with Obama’s already existing program.  Since he already stated that he is against the Dream Act, why would Hispanic Americans choose to back him in this election? 

                Anyone interested in this upcoming election I think would be interested in this article.  It hits many concerns Latinos have, and shows how Romney is not really answering the questions he is presented with regarding these concerns.   

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