Friday, November 2, 2012

Republicans on Women's Health Care

I’m sure that most people of my generation would agree (the women anyway) that women’s health care policy should be decided by women.  What do men know about being pregnant, taking birth control, or worrying about breast and cervical cancer?  Absolutely nothing.  Yet Republicans in congress this year are attacking women’s health care in general, not just abortions anymore.    
It seems incredible and for the life of me I cannot think what these men are thinking!  If Republicans were successful, they would cut funding from Planned Parenthood, a resource that is a general go-to for most low income women. An organization where women can get the emergency contraceptive pill, receive pregnancy test , STD tests and a variety of other services that women need.  It would be a sad thing to see it go under just because these men don’t think it is necessary. 
But if one stops to think about this attitude, would they feel the same way if it were men the ones that needed these services?  Could we imagine a world where it is men who have to worry about being pregnant?  They undoubtedly would argue that these services were necessary and should be available for the public, what more they should be easily obtainable.  If a man had a day in women’s shoes, how would this effect their view on government support for their health care?
I know that in my own personal opinion, if any old white man tried to tell me what to do with my body and decisions about my life, I would tell him exactly where he could stick his advise.  There is no way that he could ever understand what I feel and he should not pretend to know what is best for me and my body.  

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