Friday, November 16, 2012

I'd Rather Watch a Good Boxing Match Too

                In response to my classmates’ blog about how society views today’s political debates, I have to totally agree with your critique about presidential elections in today’s society.  It is defiantly true that I can’t stand to have to talk to my friends about their views on politics.  Even worse, I have to read their snotty remarks about a certain candidate on Facebook all the time.  During these presidential debates, I sat there, trying to figure out which candidate is the one that would help me out the most, the one that was interested in the same things that I was.  But as I sat there listening to them, all I wondered was how long they had to sit with their advisors to make sure that they get this jab, how could the make sure that they hit their opponent with this comment and how can we work in a blow to something their saying.  They must sit in a room and decide what their opponent is going to say and just find a way to not answer the question they were asked and just entertain the public.  I agree with your first point that today’s society should be one that is desperate to talk politics, but when all we can talk about is how they destroyed their opponent on television the night before, were not really worried to much with what is going on in the country.  I feel I could compare it to friends talking about a boxing match, how they stopped that round just because the bell rung.  Now if it were a boxing match discussion that was going on, defiantly count me in, I at least know that a match is what we were waiting for. 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Republicans on Women's Health Care

I’m sure that most people of my generation would agree (the women anyway) that women’s health care policy should be decided by women.  What do men know about being pregnant, taking birth control, or worrying about breast and cervical cancer?  Absolutely nothing.  Yet Republicans in congress this year are attacking women’s health care in general, not just abortions anymore.    
It seems incredible and for the life of me I cannot think what these men are thinking!  If Republicans were successful, they would cut funding from Planned Parenthood, a resource that is a general go-to for most low income women. An organization where women can get the emergency contraceptive pill, receive pregnancy test , STD tests and a variety of other services that women need.  It would be a sad thing to see it go under just because these men don’t think it is necessary. 
But if one stops to think about this attitude, would they feel the same way if it were men the ones that needed these services?  Could we imagine a world where it is men who have to worry about being pregnant?  They undoubtedly would argue that these services were necessary and should be available for the public, what more they should be easily obtainable.  If a man had a day in women’s shoes, how would this effect their view on government support for their health care?
I know that in my own personal opinion, if any old white man tried to tell me what to do with my body and decisions about my life, I would tell him exactly where he could stick his advise.  There is no way that he could ever understand what I feel and he should not pretend to know what is best for me and my body.